Known as: the star of friendship
Symbol: a walking staff
Common characteristics of people born under this star: charming, friendly, devoted friends, cooperative, good partners, encourage serving the Divine, have strong appetite for life, live far from birthplace
This star’s day is great for bringing compassion and devotion to relationships. Our relationships with others are more likely to be balanced on this day, with each person honoring the other.
Power: to create and maintain friendships while remaining focused on one’s own goals
Common professions: material sciences, physics, mathematics, psychologists, astrologers, leaders of organizations, diplomats
Astronomically Anuradha is an asterism near Alpha Centauri in Scorpio. It includes the stars: Beta-Scorpionis (Acrab), Delta-Scorpionis (Isidis), and Pi-Scorpionis.
Alternative spellings: Anurada
For further reading consult the following books:
- Harness, Dennis M. The Nakshatras: the Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology Twin Lakes: Lotus Press, 1999.
- Trivedi, Prash. The 27 Celestial Portals: the Real Secret Behind the 12 Star Signs Revealed New Delhi: Sagar Publications, 2004.
Photo by Image by Gianni Crestani from Pixabay