It is a star chart.
Star charts have been used since time immemorial as navigational aids.
In the science of astrology the star charts helps us see the nature of a soul as it projects into life on this world.
That was a bit metaphysical, so let’s try saying it differently.
Very simply the astrology chart is a map of the heavens calculated for a moment in Time. Most frequently people refer to “their” chart, which is the chart showing the heavens at the time of your birth.
Other charts exist, too. These charts can be drawn up for special purposes. They can help to select future dates for important activities, or answer questions as they arise, or to understand details about your birth chart.
Most important to remember is that the energies of the stars are shown in these charts. When you took your first breath, energies were imprinted on you.
These energies show us each person’s strengths and struggles.
Understand the energies imprinted upon you. This will allow you to take advantage of your natural skills or gifts. These are areas that you most likely already understand about yourself, regardless of whether you have voiced them to others.
The chart is the beginning of the story, not the story itself. The chart describes the main character.
As your karma and dharma permit, take advantage of these natural skills. You developed them over many, many lifetimes. These gifts probably did not magically appear. You worked hard for them. That is the way of life on the earth-plane.
For the times when you need to work with your weak areas of life, astrological remedies can help. To learn more about this read our post about remedies.
Leave a comment telling us what you see in the chart above.
Notice that Jupiter, the planet of spirituality, law and justice, is retrograde. This means that we feel Jupiter’s influence more strongly. And those of us with a first house Mars will be spurred to action.
How does this play out?
After a 6 year sabbatical, we are again active. Why now? Jupiter is currently in the astrologer’s 10th house which shows one’s dharmic path. Perhaps in Jupiter’s mind it is high time the astrologer got busy again
Interpretation from the team at Astroved: The luck and fortune planet Jupiter will turn retrograde in Scorpio from April 22, 2019 (IST) until August 11, 2019 (IST). Jupiter retrograde in Scorpio, the 8th house of change and unexpected gains, makes it an ideal time to transform and accept changes and challenges to witness progress in all walks of life..