Birth Star #17 Anuradha
Birth stars

Birth Star #17 Anuradha

Known as: the star of friendship Symbol: a walking staff Common characteristics of people born under this star: charming, friendly, devoted friends, cooperative, good partners, encourage serving the Divine, have strong appetite for life, live far from birthplace This star’s day is great for bringing compassion and devotion to relationships. Our relationships with others are more …

Birth Star #15 Swati
Birth stars

Birth Star #15 Swati

Known as: the independent one Symbol: a young plant being blown by the wind Common characteristics of people born under this star: independent, virtuous, compassionate, restless, adventurous, self-controlled, intuitive, psychic This star’s day is great for transforming situations, getting things unstuck. The star carries the energy of the wind, which can be freeing but can also …

Birth Star #16 Vishakha
Birth stars

Birth Star #16 Vishakha

Known as: the star of purpose Symbol: a large tree with spreading branches. The tree provides protection to others.  Trees also spread and grow, having more influence as they mature. Common characteristics of people born under this star: enthusiasm, faith, optimism, hope for the future, patience, persistence, determination, hard-working, strategic-thinking This star’s day is great for working …

What does and astrologer do?
Astrology Explained Featured

What does an Astrologer do?

Astrologers read and interpret star charts. This is much like practitioners in other scientific and medical fields do using charts for their own specialties. How does this work? The process is one of identifying the basic elements, understanding how each one works, then interpreting how they will work together. Each of us goes through this …

Ellen and Portia on their wedding day

Ellen and Portia

Special magnetic attraction? Yes! These two are quite compatible. Not only is there a natural attraction between these two the energy flow between them is also could. Their temperaments are very well-managed, and the mental energies complement each other. They are psychologically as well as sexually compatible. Their relationship is when it’s mutually beneficial and …